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STEM - Tinkercad


$0 DIAL Members/ $75 Non-members


Self-paced/ 2-4 Weeks


About the Course

This course is an introduction to using TinkerCad to create 3-D designs, circuits, simulations and 3D print projects. It is a fully self-paced, online course. TinkerCad provides a space for teachers to create a classroom, add students, and have the whole class work on 3-D projects in a safe online environment. The teacher has control over if students work is public or not. Tinkercad is known for being the easiest computer aided drafting (CAD) software to learn and use. It runs in the browser and is free for educators and students. Teachers have the option to print the students 3D projects.

Your Instructor

Jill Outka-Hill & Debbie O'Doan

Jill Outka-Hill & Debbie O'Doan

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