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STEM - Sphero


$0 DIAL Members/ $75 Non-members


Self-paced/ 2-4 Weeks


About the Course

This course is an introduction coding with robots. It is entirely self-paced and online using the Sphero website, Sphero apps, official Sphero YouTube videos, and other web resources. It is a beginner-level course in robotics and computer science; No previous experience with robotics or computer science is needed. With support and direction from the instructor, teachers will create a Sphero EDU account, work through assignments posted in Google Classroom, and learn how to use Sphero with their students. Free Sphero kits while supplies last!

Your Instructor

Jill Outka-Hill & Debbie O'Doan

Jill Outka-Hill & Debbie O'Doan

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