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STEM - Foundations


$0 DIAL Members/ $75 Non-members


Self-paced / 2-4 Weeks


About the Course

This is the first course STEM Course covering Foundations of STEM. The course is based on the work of teacher and author, Chris Woods. This course will help explain “why” STEM and help teachers know where to start. According to Chris Woods’ idea that “STEM is not a class you teach. It’s a culture you build.” This course will give teachers a basic understanding of STEM and a place to begin. This book and course will also show integration of other subjects such as Art, Literacy, Math, Careers, and promotes using STEM in the real world. It lays the foundation for teachers begin to build a STEM culture. Topics include why stem is important, how to start, STEM careers, STEM literacy, integration, sustainability, and many more. Teachers will develop and share an integrated STEM lesson plan at the end of this course. Teachers will be encouraged to take this course with other teachers in their school, so they have school-level discussions and leverage building level support in addition to the online collaboration in the course.

Your Instructor

Jill Outka-Hill & Debbie O'Doan

Jill Outka-Hill & Debbie O'Doan

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